
yea first blog post!!!

august 15 2024

hey hi helllo everyone thats reading this :3 today i'm finally on my term break from college so i'll be having more time to work my site (if i can find the energy to do so lol) honestly, idk what to talk about on my blog. i dont even read blogs so i dont know what people usually put on them. shall I share my plans of the future of this site?

so tbh i dont have any major plans for this. i have thought of making my own site for a while for my art portfolio and other art sharing stuff. i also really like to write poems i guess? not like those rhyming and super metaphorical kinds just random "poetic" ramblings i'll be honest. i do this to vent about problems or as a stress reliver, making up complicated metaphors and ryhmes take up too much of my brain power. idk. i like to share (almost) whatever i create for others to acknowledge my existence. i dont hope for fame but having some people see what i've created is good enough for me :)

continuing on poetry, i also like to include that in my art too. sometimes my poems might be about my ocs or a situation that we relate to. im not good with symbolic art, i usually just paste the whole text into the image and then like, distort it or something. it's been an art style i've been getting into lately. here, i'll show you one right now because i don't know how i want to set up my art page yet lol

are you content?